This page is rooted in my (Philip Paige) tendency to both ‘wonder,’ and wander—especially about and in Nature. Here you will find my ramblings about ambling, my lessons learned—by experience and through others, and my thoughts about our natural history, and our shared future. You can also expect a fair bit about NoCo hidden gems, both in the forest and on the road.
Our logo is inspired by a Yellow Birch (Betula Alleghaniensis) I’ve long been captivated by, and returned to many times—during each of our four seasons here in the Adirondacks. I find the forest prompts me to wonder in two interrelated ways: wonder as in 'want to know more,’ and wonder as in a sense of awe—in me an undeniable sense of kinship and connectedness. I hope you will wa/onder with me—see you on the trails!